
> graphic design

Kältetelefon 01-480 45 53

In Vienna it is currently bitter cold with temperatures far below 0 degrees - no threat for people who only briefly leave their well-heated apartments in warm jackets. For all others, who are forced to spend the winterly nights on the streets, it is life-threatening.

Nevertheless, there is an organization in Vienna – @caritasoesterreich , that takes care of people who are exposed to the icy temperatures. With my work I would like to remind of this service and encourage to help as soon as you notice an affected person in public.

Many people want to help, but do not know how to act when they see the sleeping camp of an acutely homeless person in winter.

If you notice the sleeping place of a homeless person and want to help quickly and easily, please call the cold weather phone at 01-480 45 53,. The phone is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week from November to the end of April.

The cold bus is on the road every day to follow up on reports. Due to the large number of reports in the Vienna area, immediate intervention cannot be guaranteed. In acute life-threatening situations or in the event of a health risk, it is therefore essential to call the emergency services on 144.

Which information is needed?
Date, time
Exact location
Description of the person(s)

There are social workers of the Gruft who follow up on your tips and visit the persons and places mentioned. There they offer individual help and distribute sleeping bags, advise people and take them to one of the emergency shelters.

"A call can save lives"
